t.oyet@hopevisionorg.com +211 9229 229 03


Is a National non-denominational, non-profit making and nongovernmental organization (HVM/O) established in 2013 with major purposes of sharing God’s words, advocating for those who are persecuted for their faith, empowering the most vulnerable communities including Internal Displaced Persons, returnees, refugees and host communities affected by the natural and man-made disasters through evangelism, education literacy, healthcare, and agriculture interventions.

History & Establishment of HVO/M

HVM/O is officially registered by the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission, Republic of South Sudan with Registration Nos: 482/322 and it has been operating in both South Sudan and Sudan since its establishment with its head office in Juba, Capital City of South Sudan. It has built good relationships with international and national organizations, government, University of Juba and other stakeholders in South Sudan and Sudan.

  • 1. To proclaim good News of Jesus by providing evangelistic training, church planting and a wide variety of outreach tools including audio/visual equipment and Bible distribution

    2. To construct new churches and upgrade the existing ones to provide conducive environment for praying and proclaiming the word of God.

    3. To provide conducive learning environment for pupils and students through construction of primary and secondary schools as well as quality teaching.

    4. To establish technical and vocational training centers (tertiary schools) for life skills training

    5. To provide scholarship materials to aid pupils and students learning that should enable them to complete primary and secondary schools.

    6. To promote climate resilient agricultural practices for sustainable food security and livelihoods.

    7. To support the needy with agricultural inputs to increase their production capacity for commercial purpose and home consumption as well.

    8. To provide healthcare services such as provision of epilepsy drugs, counselling and guidance, mental health psychosocial support services, among others.

    9. To raise awareness on basic hygiene and sanitation practices in schools and churches.


Holistic Ministries

-Evangelism and Mission, Church development programs

-VSLA for Church Members, small scale business skill training

-Entrepreneurship, Student programs

Education Programs

-Construction of Primary Education in Torit

-Computer Training Centers-Torit

Health Programs

-Nodding Disease treatment and awareness

-WASH program- basic hygiene awareness creation in schools and churches

-MHPSS, counselling and guidance

Agriculture Programs

-Crop production in South Sudan

-Improve Agriculture System in the Country

Our Address

Juba Christian Centre/JCC Compound, Hai Thoura Road South of Police Head Quarters; P.O. Box 561 Juba – South Sudan.

Email Us



Call Us

+211 9115 559 99 / +211 9124 341 03

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